
Arts, Crafts and Design Finds

A Photoblog featuring handmade products
by independent artisans and crafters.


The Art Zoo was created to promote handmade items by Artisans and Crafters and those that support the independent community. All content displayed on this website has either been found by surfing similar websites, submitted by readers and/or submitted by the sellers themselves and may have been published with some sort of agreement for compensation. Therefore, while viewing any content within theartzoo.com it should be assumed that any and/or all content including products, external links to other websites and badge or banner advertisements has been published due to sponsorship, monetary compensation and/or some form of in-kind compensation.

The Art Zoo has not reviewed any of the products displayed on theartzoo.com and therefore does not endorse said products, the sellers of said products or the websites that you may be directed to from The Art Zoo.